{{(datum || default)[0]}}
{{(datum || default)[1]}}


My name is
Bastiaan Marinus
van de Weerd.

I am an iOS and backend developer based in Santiago in Chile, originally from Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

My formal education was in civil engineering, specializing in structural design, at the Delft University of Technology. My professional career, however, has been in software development.

Check me out on GitHub (bm-w), or have a look at this selection of my experience, and the technologies I've worked with:

Name: Teamscope iOS app
URL: http://teamscope.co
Employer: Teamscope (as CTO)
Date: 2013 – (currently under construction)
Description: The iOS client application of Teamscope, a startup building data collection tools for medical researchers and professionals.
Involvement (M): Main developer: architecture (Cocoa Touch), visualisation and mapping (Core Animation & MapBox), and documentation.
Tags: ios, objective-c, cocoa-touch, core-animation, mapbox

Name: Teamscope web app
URL: http://teamscope.co
Employer: Teamscope (as CTO)
Date: 2013 – (currently under construction)
Description: The web client application of Teamscope, a startup building data collection tools for medical researchers and professionals.
Involvement (M): Main developer: application (AngularJS), visualisation and mapping (D3.js & Leaflet), and documentation.
Tags: web, node, html5, angularjs, d3, leaflet

Name: Teamscope server
URL: http://teamscope.co
Employer: Teamscope (as CTO)
Date: 2013 – (currently under construction)
Description: A ReST-style API server, serving as backend for the iOS and web client applications of Teamscope, a startup building data collection tools for medical researchers and professionals.
Involvement (L): Main developer: architecture (AWS/EC2/DynamoDB), ReST-style API server (Node.js/Restify), and documentation.
Tags: web, aws, ec2, dynamodb, redis, node, async, restify, rest

Name: Teamscope MVP
URL: http://teamscope.co
Employer: Teamscope (as CTO)
Date: 2013
Description: The minimum viable product implementation of a mobile-focused web application of Teamscope, a startup building data collection tools for medical researchers and professionals.
Involvement (S): Maintainer (taking over from previous developer): web app (PHP/CodeIgniter & MySQL, HTML/jQuery).
Tags: web, aws, ec2, mysql, php, codeigniter, jquery

Name: Omgevingswijzer
URL: https://omgevingswijzer.org
Client: Rijkswaterstaat
Collaborators: Arup
Date: 2011 – (ongoing)
Description: A web-based tool for assessing the sustainability impact of built-environment projects in their early-ideas stage.
Involvement (L): Main developer: architecture (AWS/EC2), backend (Python/Django), frontend (HTML5/AngularJS/jQuery), visualizations (D3.js/Flash fallback), and documentation.
Tags: web, aws, ec2, python, django, html5, javascript, angular, d3, jquery, flash

Name: Signer
URL: https://github.com/bm-w/signer
Date: 2013
Description: A small tool for quickly computing digital signatures for use in correspondence and invoicing (using RSA private key, OpenSSL, and HMAC-SHA256).
Involvement (S): Developer: script (Node.js/OpenSSL), integration (OS X Keychain, Alfred 2 App), documentation.
Tags: script, node, openssl, cryptography, alfred

Name: Arup internal project F
URL: (private)
Employer: Arup
Date: 2013
Description: A web-based office-map tool for managing flexible work space reservations.
Involvement (M): Main developer: architecture (AWS/EC2), backend (Python/Django/Tastypie), frontend (HTML5/AngularJS), mapping & visualization (MapBox/Leaflet/D3), and documentation.
Tags: web, aws, ec2, python, django, tastypie, html5, javascript, angular, d3, leaflet, mapbox

Name: Arup internal project D
URL: (private)
Employer: Arup
Date: 2012 – 2013
Description: An iPad tool for construction-site data collection, such as notes, survey data, and photos and images.
Involvement (L): Development team member: architecture (Core Data), visualizations (Core Animation), mapping (MapBox), and documentation.
Tags: ios, ipad, objective-c, cocoa, core-data, core-animation, mapbox

Name: Arup internal project C
URL: (private)
Employer: Arup
Date: 2011 – 2013
Description: A web-based tool for collection, communication, and publication of built-environment project information and data.
Involvement (L): Main developer: architecture (AWS/EC2), backend (Python/Django/Tastypie), frontend (HTML5/AngularJS), visualizations (D3.js), mapping (MapBox/Leaflet), and documentation.
Tags: web, aws, ec2, python, django, tastypie, html5, javascript, angular, d3, leaflet, mapbox, engineering

Name: Arup internal project G
URL: (private)
Employer: Arup
Date: 2013
Description: A web-based tool for proposal, selection, and budget allocation of internal research and development efforts.
Involvement (M): Development team member: backend (ColdFusion), frontend (HTML/jQuery).
Tags: web, coldfusion, html, javascript, jquery

Name: StructuralComponents 3.0 server
URL: https://db.tt/aq9xSElg [PDF]
Collaborator: Arup
Date: 2012 – 2013
Description: Part of my MSc thesis ‘StructuralComponents, a client-server software architecture for FEM-based structural design exploration’. The server application for a structural engineering tool allowing an engineer to explore the solution space of an early-stage high-rise building project. The server implements a combination of parametric-associative modelling and finite-element-method analysis, accessed through a ReST-style API.
Involvement (L): Main researcher and developer (all C/Objective-C/Cococa on S X): ReST-style API server, parametric-associative modelling engine (libdispatch/GCD), and finite-element analysis engine (numerical computation in C).
Tags: os-x, c, objective-c, cocoa, web, rest, pad, fem, cholesky

Name: StructuralComponents 3.0 clients
URL: https://db.tt/aq9xSElg [PDF]
Collaborator: Arup
Date: 2012 – 2013
Description: Part of my MSc thesis ‘StructuralComponents, a client-server software architecture for FEM-based structural design exploration’. iOS and web client applications for a structural engineering tool allowing an engineer to explore the solution space of an early-stage high-rise building project. The clients implement the modelling UI, and data and model visualization and exploration.
Involvement (L): Main researcher and developer: iOS client (Objective-C/Cocoa Touch/Core Data/Core Animation), web client (HTML5/AngularJS/D3.js).
Tags: ios, c, cocoa-touch, core-animation, core-data, web, html5, angular

Name: Rilden
URL: (deprecated)
Date: 2012
Description: An interactive combat logger and cover flow-style character sheet for iOS of my D&D character, Rilden Tealry.
Involvement (M): Main developer: application (HTML5/AngularJS), visualizations (D3.js/SVG/CSS3).
Tags: ios, html5, angular, d3, svg

Name: Arup internal project E
URL: (private)
Employer: Arup
Date: 2011 – 2012
Description: An AWS-based computation cluster and control application for raytracing daylight and glare computation.
Involvement (M): Main developer: architecture (AWS/EC2), backend (Python/Django/Celery & AMQP), frontend (HTML5), computation (Radiance & Python/Numpy/Scipy), and documentation.
Tags: web, aws, ec2, python, django, tastypie, celery, amqp, rabbbitmq, numpy, scipy, html5, javascript

Name: Arup internal project B
URL: (private)
Employer: Arup
Date: 2010 – 2012
Description: A collection of WordPress-based project blogs, with business systems integration through plugins.
Involvement (S): Maintainer, developer: (PHP/WordPress & HTML/jQuery).
Tags: web, php, wordpress, javascript, jquery

Name: Arup internal project A
URL: (private)
Employer: Arup
Date: 2010 – 2011
Description: A collection of Rhino 3D plugins for rationalization and tesselation for finite-element method computation of complex building geometry.
Involvement (M): Development team member: plugins (.NET), structural engineer: research, FEM analysis.
Tags: net, fem, engineering